
Pregnancy News

Signs To Tell Whether It's a Boy or a Girl

Thursday 2nd of February 2012  |  Category: Pregnancy News  |  Written by:

While I was talking to a friend who has just found out she's expecting she started listing the reasons why she thinks the baby is a boy. It inspired me to put together this list of old-fashioned ways to try and determine the sex of your child. Perhaps it's too early to be told by the midwife, perhaps you've already been told but want to see if there's a possibility of the ultrasound being wrong, or perhaps you don't really want to know the sex for definite but are angling for some clues. Well, look no further! (Please note that this is a bit of fun and shouldn't be totally relied upon, so don't go painting your nursery bright pink just yet!)

According to folk lore you should hang a gold ring over your belly with a piece of string. If it moves in circles, you're carrying a girl. If it moves back and forth then you've got a little boy. You could also try measuring the baby's heartbeat. Apparently a boy has a heartbeat of 140 beats per minute or above and a girl has lower. You might have heard of this one before: if you're carrying 'high' then the baby is a boy, if it's 'low' then you've a got a girl. I'm not sure how exactly you'd measure this next one but if your leg hair is growing super fast then congrats, it's a boy! And if you've been chomping through packet after packet of ready salted crisps then it's also more likely to be a boy. However if it's Chewits you've got a craving for then you're carrying a little girl with a sweet tooth.

Right, now go and stand in front of a mirror. If you're pupils dilate then the baby is a boy, if they don't then it's a girl. (No idea how that one works.) If your right breast is larger than your left than you've got a boy and the other way around, you've guessed it, it's a girl! Cold feet means that your heating has broke or you've got a boy on the way. If you've got through more tubs of Oil of Olay moisturiser than Thandie Newton but you've still got dry skin then that means you're carrying a little baby boy. Boys also cause more headaches, less morning sickness and you holding out your hands palm-down when asked to show your hands. Oh and next time you're settling down for a night's sleep, get your compass out and check where your pillow is facing; if it's North then congrats, it's a boy!

Still not sure if you've got a boy or a girl? Try these: are you blooming? If the answer is no then you're carrying a girl. If you suffered from morning sickness within the first 12 weeks then you're more likely to have a little girl too. This one is a little bit sexist but apparently the moodier you are, the more likely you are to be carrying a girl! Oh and go and eat a clove of garlic. If you don't smell it in an hour then you've got a girl. If you do, then it's a boy and you might want to have a shower.

This one's a scientific one now: add your age with the number of month you conceived in. If the number is odd then you've got a girl. If it's even then you're carrying a boy! Which side you lie on can also be an indicator: right side = girl, left side = boy.

Now it's time to look into your past to see your future... if your first baby's first word was 'dada' then you're more likely to have a boy next. If it was 'mama,' then you've got a girl on the way. Don't ask me what it means if they said anything else! Now look to your partner; if he has piled on a pound or too then apparently you've got a girl on your hands. If he's slimmed down then it's a boy.

Obviously, most of these are just old wives' tales and their accuracy is highly doubted. The best way of finding out the sex of your baby outside of an ultrasound is to go with your instinct. A study showed that 71% of mothers guessed the sex of their baby correctly!

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