
Side Effects of Pregnancy On You

Does My Baby Really Have Hiccups?

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Have you felt any regular little spasm-like movements from the baby? While this might feel like your little one is doing tiny jumps, kicks or punches over and over again it is more likely that they are actually experiencing hiccups.

Babies can begin hiccupping before you are into the second trimester, but it is unlikely that you will notice the movements until you are in the later stages of pregnancy.

Hiccupping babies in the womb are common. Some women feel them every day, others only occasionally and some women never experience them at all. Whether your baby seems to be hiccupping non-stop or not at all, there is nothing to worry about. Hiccupping, or lack of it, does not have any implications on the health of the baby, so ignore any myths you may come across, such as hiccups being a sign of a colicky baby. While hiccups can be irritating and uncomfortable when experienced by adults, they do not have the same effect on babies, either in the womb or once they are born, so don't worry that your baby is suffering in any way.

What can I do about it?

While they can sometimes be a little uncomfortable for you, hiccups do no harm to either you or your baby, so you should do nothing to try to prevent them. Make the most of this phenomenon, sit back and enjoy the privilege of being able to feel your tiny baby's hiccups.

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This internet site provides information of a general nature and is designed for educational purposes only. If you have any concerns about your own health or the health of your child, you should always consult a doctor or other healthcare professional.