
Pregnancy News

A Week in the News - 20th September 2013

Friday 20th of September 2013  |  Category: Pregnancy News  |  Written by:

Another week has passed us by, and whilst the weather hasn't been too great there are rumours that we're going to experience an 'Indian summer' next week - but we'll wait and see won't we! The news this week has been dominated by the Liberal Democrat party conference and also the righting of the Costa Concordia after it sunk off the coast of the island of Giglio. Needless to say we've been looking at the news that focuses on babies and pregnancy and we've found some interesting articles this week.

The Lib Dems; and Nesting

In the week of the Liberal Democrat party conference it is of course expected that at least a few soundbites would focus on families. Interestingly Nick Clegg has proposed that all children up to 7 should have free school meals, which sounds great in theory but I wonder whether the money is there to put it into practice. Something else that was on the agenda was extending free childcare up to a child's second birthday, which would give children 10 free hours a week. Free hours would rise for 2 and 3 years olds, and would be offered across the board not just for the poorest children. Is this enough though, and will there be the money for it? It will be interesting to see whether this proposal makes it into statute, or is involved in the Liberal's manifesto at the next election. Although perhaps the Liberal's need to look at their own internal policies, as one candidate was told not to get pregnant as it may put voters off, this seems rather ludicrous doesn't it?

The Daily Mail also looked at the reason pregnant women nest. In an apparently 'new study' it is all to do with the inner cavewoman and ensuring the environment that the baby is brought into is safe, although I'm sure this has been theorised for many years! I'd like to think I keep my house pretty tidy at the moment, perhaps that's my inner caveman ensuring I know where the remote is when I want to watch Bake Off...

Money Worries, IVF issues and Old Wives Tales

Another article in the Mail also looked at how up to 25% of couples are put off having children because they can't afford it, I think this is an interesting point. Through speaking from my own experience I know plenty of people who are looking to save money for a house, and with the deposit that you need nowadays to land a first time mortgage this isn't exactly easy. Add a child on top of that and you'll need a very well paid job to get by. I've managed the first part, but the next step is a huge decision!

There were two interesting articles on the BBC website this week as well. The first focused on the risks that three person IVF poses with potentially dangerous side affects possible. Although a panel said the risks would be 'trivial', researchers claim that poor matching genetic criteria could lead to learning, fertility and behaviour problems. It will be interesting to see how this develops as this is truly groundbreaking technology, but I'm sure there will be ethical issues along the way. There was also a look at the the 300 year old fertility statistics still in use today. For anyone interested in such things this is a rather enlightening read, and you can probably dismiss that claim that a third of women over 35 will not have conceived after a year of trying. It's based on very out of date data!

We'll be back again next week with another look at the news, in the meantime get in touch via the site or through @MumNetwork, see you soon!

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