

Have We Gone Too Far?

Thursday 21st of November 2013  |  Category: Opinion  |  Written by:


I was perusing a baby magazine the other day, when I came across a brilliant new gadget, called a Wootch. It's like a watch that your child wears, and it sends an alert to your iPhone if they wander off, and allows you to locate them within 20 metres. It also has a 'find me' button your child can press themselves. Brilliant idea. Gadget of the month there. I do like it, but it got me thinking.


Now, I'm not knocking that particular product - as I say, I like it. I just wonder at what point is it too far, or can the point ever be reached when it's a question of concern over our children's safety? We bring them into this world, and then we want to do everything we possibly can to protect them, but when does that protection become over-protection? And I'm asking this question, because I don't have the answer, just an inkling that we may sometimes get carried away. For example, I've seen those safety helmets for when your child first starts toddling about to protect them from any bumps - those I'm not sure of. Children will toddle, they will fall, and then they will get up and learn. I'm assuming these were invented as a response to a more serious incident, so again, I'm asking, not judging, are we going too far?


We haven't got that much in the way of 'safety' products here - the bare minimum maybe? We have a smoke alarm, car seats, baby monitors, socket covers and stair-gates. We've never done the cupboard locks (though our son is taking full advantage of this possible lapse in our judgement now!), drawer catches, door stoppers or anything like that. It means I'm up and about a lot seeing what's what, but I know that this is a pretty short phase so I don't mind. I should be seeing what he's getting up to, anyway, shouldn't I? Can over-reliance on having devices all over the place be a substitution for not paying attention to what they're doing? And even if it is, is that bad? I know I could well be the fool, chasing my son around..


Our parents didn't have car seats for us, or even seat belts - chuck the Moses basket on the back seat and away we go! Now, clearly, I advocate the use of car seats!, I'm just saying that in a relatively short time (I like to tell myself that I'm not that old!) we seem to have gone a long way in the world of safety. I would die for my children, and would do all I can to ensure their safety and well-being, but somehow, I'm just not seeing all of these devices as essential to me doing that. I see it as being me teaching them what is and isn't safe, spending time with them to see what they're doing, using that all-powerful mother's instinct to spot potential dangers and prevent them from happening.


What do you think? Are you reading this and thinking I've lost the plot, as I should have every possible gadget going? What safety products do you consider to be 'the essentials'?

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